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Useful Links for further Research

The following organisations and websites have been invaluable sources of research;

FEPOW Community


Thailand Burma Railway Centre

Tiawan POW Memorial Society

Children of Far East POWs

The following books have been sources of inspiration and information--

Peter Thomson -  The Battle for Singapore

Brian P Farrell -  The Defence and Fall of Singapore 1940-1942
Colin Smith - Singapore Burning
Brian MacArthur - Surviving the Sword
Sir Clifford Kinvig -  River Kwai Railway
Rod Beattie - The Death Railway: A Brief History
Geoffrey Pharoah Adams - The Thailand to Burma Railway
Paul Gibbs Pancheri -Volunteer!
Brian Moynahan Jungle - Soldier
Richard Kandler  - The Prisoner List
Alistair Urquhart -  The Forgotten Highlander
James Clavell -  King Rat
Charles McCormac -  You’ll Die in Singapore


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